Made these today. Ran into some problems with the face though. Will need more geometry around the jaw.
Adjusted head to body ratio today to go a little less cartoony. Realized that if Aleysha was to be printed out at 1:1 scale, she would be a small human while her head would be considerably larger than any human head... but not anymore!
The electric universe theory resonates with me. It's like a missing puzzle piece that just feels right. I'll investigate it further.
Again I haven't had much time for this project the last few days but there have been some topology tweaks and a few alterations. Also uploaded to Sketchfab for checking.
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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