I suppose one way to get around not being able to sculpt folds is to just make the clothes skin tight!
Was planning to quickly finish off the clothes today and discovered to my horror that I actually don't know how to sculpt folds very well... so I guess this will take a little longer than I was hoping for.
Today saw a total overhaul of the anatomy. Really want to keep things simple... but just can't do it! Will try to abstract and simplify the shapes again on the next pass. Also made a little progress on the hand today.
Don't know how this always happens... I just want to make a simple toon girl. Now I have another anatomy study on my hands. The anatomy of the back is really tricky as the look changes with every pose... and every back is different! In the end I will smooth it all out anyway because I am making a toon girl! Simple but meaningful lines!
Updated to ZBrush 2018 today and continued refinement of body features. Really like 2018 so far. Noticed it's possible to save default settings so no longer need to double click the "dynamic" setting for EVERY SINGLE BRUSH... but only once for all brushes. Nice! It's the little things... :)
Did my best refining facial features further today. Enough with the face though I have to bring the rest of this model up to par. Perhaps just the lower eyelashes still to complete the eye region. Just hang in there, Just hang in there, you'll be completed yet!
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using mattslog.com as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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