Consciousness may be the most precious thing in the universe. It is the source of joy and sorrow. It is what makes the people you love worth loving. It is the boundary between life and death... Everything and everyone we care about is given substance by consciousness. It is the carrier of all value. If the universe was destroyed it would not matter... if there was no one there to perceive it. What about ants, do they have a low level of consciousness? What about dogs? They sure seem to think for themselves and have feelings such as joy, anger or guilt... are they aware of who they are or what is funny and what is ironic? What about us... are there higher forms of consciousness than ours? If so, what new insights and emotions might a higher form of consciousness be capable of experiencing? It is possible to have a body without consciousness... but is it possible to have consciousness without a body? Is consciousness even tied to a body of flesh and blood or can it occur in a digital mind as well? But what gives rise to consciousness? How is it possible that consciousness arises from constellations of atoms? Could consciousness give life and personality to lifeless objects such as robots or is complex, organic chemistry required?
Made another version with slightly parted lips. I think we're slowly getting closer to natural looking expressions.
Added some thickness to Aleysha's top so it becomes 3d printable. And a bra fit layer to simulate wearing a bra.
Tested out UV Master in zbrush today as it's the next step I need to take before moving on to creating poses and morph targets etc. These unfolded fine but the layout is really bad... anyway they just serve the purpose of preserving the poly paint information for now as it tends to mess up when creating layers in zbrush.
Look at her... But... gonna need to do something about those super white trims... Or maybe it needs other colors on the top to balance it out better. Will try a few things.
Following up on yesterdays random shower thought... I did some more research into the atom model and found the SAM (Structured Atom Model). That new model is very intriguing to me, especially since it correlates well with the electric universe theory as well as the safire project. I think this may well be a big leap towards a better understanding of the universe and a new generation of future technology. Or... have we been here before?
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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