I'm so pumped they launch went well! A new era has begun and the future of human space flight looks bright. And finally space craft are starting to look more like what you'd imagine a 21 century space vehicle to look like.
Settling in with some good snacks to watch this live today. Super exciting stuff! History in the making. I really hope all goes well! The outcome of this launch will have a huge impact on the future of human space flight. Update: ... well... that was a bit of a let down. Still, better safe than sorry. Fingers crossed for the 30th of May.
From what I understand, our brain is made up of two layers. The limbic system that is responsible for all our impulses and emotions - our "monkey brain" as Elon Musk calls it - and our neocortex where all the rational thinking happens. So we have a monkey brain with a computer stuck on top of it. Both get along well, in fact the neocortex's main job is to keep the monkey brain happy. There is all this research in AI going on, working on emulating the neocortex. Rational thought for machines... and the question is being asked: "Will machines become conscious at some point?" How could machines become conscious when a big part of consciousness seems to lie in the experience of emotions? Joy, anger, pride, guilt...? When we develop AI without a limbic system to keep happy, what will motivate it and what actions will it take? Can a machine without a limbic system be empathetic? Perhaps instead of emulating the neocortex we should start by emulating the base layer, the limbic system? I suppose this all depends on the goal. Is the goal to create a smart but abulic tool to do tasks for us, or is it to create a tertiary layer to add to our brain via neural link or are we trying to create a new form of sentient being?
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using mattslog.com as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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