Back in 2008 I started putting together a website called The War On Aging. After searching for research aiming at combating aging I came across a Ted Talk by Dr. Aubrey de Grey on youtube. It was a huge relief for me to see that at least someone was working towards ending aging. I realized that to have a chance of reaching longevity escape velocity within my lifetime this research would need to be promoted and supported by the mainstream. So I am doing my part by promoting and donating a small amount every month. Things have come a long way since then thankfully. The website however is woefully out of date. It was too time consuming to stay on top of it all and keep it updated.
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
fundingYou can support my work by donating to the following bitcoin address: Or by doing some of your everyday hygiene, wellness and nutritional shopping on our online shop.