Finally made a commitment to go through the sacred geometry course by Randall Carlson in the hope that I can integrate some of the insights learned into my 3d modeling work. I expect it will also provide me with another lens through which to look at the nature of reality. On another note... just want to screenshot some unreal vs unity data here for later reference.
Just found the Strike Foundation website! Holy cow there is so much I want to know and learn and read up on! Maybe I should buy a little Mazda stock while it's down... but then again once this tech is out there I'm guessing it won't take Tesla long to find a way to appropriate if for their needs as well. They're a technology company after all.
Spent a good part of the year working on our own animated pixel art NFT project. It deserves a mention. Cheeky Unts (Unt... with a silent C). Project is still going so there will be updates in the future. Cheeky Unts S1 Cheeky Unts S2 Cheeky Unts Christmas Collection Cheeky Unts Halloween Collection Hype Unt Collab Space Unt Collab Hopper Unt Collab Aeonium Unt Collab We also made Chains On Dogs. Another fully animated pixel art NFT project. But this one has the art stored on chain.
Spent the majority of the last few days reorganizing the 721 models from our public account on Sketchfab into collections. Cleaning house so to say. Writing descriptions, adding keywords etc. It was painstakingly slow as after every 3 or 4 items I had to take a break for a while and wait before the site would accept new sorting input. Now it will be easier to subdivide and sort the content further into sets etc. If we get permission from more of our clients to show the models we made for them I should start bringing over some content from our business account as well.
Since I've been a little absent from the blog over the past year + ... I've neglected to mention a lot of things that happened. One of which is a little 5 minute game that I worked on with a friend. Cleo's Gold. It's still available to play on Kongregate and Itch.
Apparently throughout the past 600 million years CO2 levels have hardly ever been lower than they are today. At the same time there seems to be no direct correlation between global temperatures and CO2 levels... Also interesting... global temperatures used to be up to 10 degrees higher than they are now. Source: Kosmographia Podcast.
Made a little progress on adjusting the face part and some mould parts to the new eye position and neck thickness.
Just came across some supposed photos from an expedition to Antarctica in 1912... I've not taken the time to look into it yet just want to make a note of it here so I don't forget. If these are real it would further support the existence of an advanced, ancient, global civilization whose roots go back deep into a forgotten period of pre history. There seem to exist more photos from a later expedition by Admiral Byrd from 1930-1950. These could be from Egypt or Puma Punku if it wasn't for the snow... Have to make a note of a rumble video here that contains a lot of things I want to look into. All this gives off funny vibes though. So it's not a priority right now. And what the heck is the ancient Quatria Zivilization? I have a feeling this is quickly leading down the wrong path to flat earth fairytale land...
Stumbled across this ancient relic while cleaning up. It is a board game prototype that was inspired by the good old dungeon quest. Built it back in 2003 just after university. Since then it's been all but forgotten. Test played it with my kids and turns out it's actually pretty fun! So I'm going to see if I can finish designing it and put it out there. Now that I have new tools at my disposal such as modeling tools and a 3d Printer I'll built a 3d printable prototype. Already made the base tile design. It's like a puzzle piece that can be used to make all kinds of dungeon layouts. It prints well and fits together well. Also chamfered the edges underneath so it's easy to take tiles apart again by pushing on the edges and lifting up corners.
Today's shower thought after finishing my tax report and mentally going through the chain of events that would inevitably follow were I to stubbornly refuse to pay them to the bitter end: The only TRUE laws are the inescapable & omnipresent laws of physics/nature. They exist with or without us across the universe and all creatures and things must abide by them willingly or not. All else we adhere to in life... country borders, legal systems, money, religions, taxes, property rights, human rights etc. is naught but an ongoing life action role play that everyone simply takes very seriously... Guess I'll play along a little longer and pay my taxes though... don't see how to opt out of the game. If an all powerful alien species happened to land on earth they might not care very much about our rules... but they will abide the laws of physics. The intrinsic forces that shape reality.
Was using the UXD_ prefix naming convention for static objects with great success so far. Unreal automatically recognizes the designated meshes as collision on import and the world is at peace. Then I tried importing an animated object... and that was like opening a can of worms that was inside a can of worms that was inside a can of worms which was at the bottom of a barrel of worms... I still don't really have a great solution. Just exporting animated objects without collision for now.
Learned how to create material instances in unreal engine today thanks to Zak Parrish and his awesome tutorial on youtube. Everything just looks so much better by default in unreal engine... The new collision seems to be working too so far. Things are moving forward!
After putting together the rough 1:1 prototype body of cyberdoll and then adding the head... it became pretty obvious that the cartoon proportions with the big head and small body did not fit anymore with the level of fidelity the model has now. The body needs to be scaled up somewhat.
FINALLY the post transfer is complete. Now it's time to pick things up again. For updates on the cyberdoll project head over to and check out them shiny hands.
This just happened... one of the space youtubers I follow has been selected for the Dear Moon mission. He is literally going to go to the moon! ... Well, around the moon technically... Don't even know the guy personally but it still feels like I'm personally involved since I've been following his channel for so long. Here is an example of what can happen when you pursue something with all your energy and all your heart. It's going to be an insane ride and I'm looking forward to following it every step of the way!
The only reason why there isn't a space elevator yet is due to the lack of a strong enough material for the tether that can be manufactured at scale. However the International Space Elevator Consortium deems single crystal graphene to be a material suitable for a space elevator tether and recently there has been quite a bit of progress in regards to the manufacturing technique of said material. Large single crystal graphene is possible. MIT has published an article in 2020 highlighting their new role to role production method that can produce any length continuous sheets of single layer graphene. They say it could be scaled up fairly easily. The south Korean company Charmgraphene seems to have done just that. Now all that's needed is a company with the focus on building a space elevator that puts it all together. Elon?
Put a little bit of money into this absolute gamble play on BSC yesterday. I'm giving it a 99% chance of failure... but at 2% return per day this project only needs to last a little over 50 days until break even. Anything after that is basically free income. Fingers crossed it lasts a good way past the 50 day mark.
Been reworking old collision geometry from our unreal sets without bothering to look at the actual requirements for Unreal. Turns out they're different from what we've got there. This realization comes half way through the set... so this likely means a rework from scratch. Not only for this set but also for the snake temple and likely other old sets as well. As a note to self... convex only collision geometry is still a thing. So rebuild the shape from lots of simple primitives (this arch for example has 18 pieces). Don't merge collision meshes into one mesh, number them, label them starting with UCX_ for unreal. This will be one gigantic pain in the a&%"$ in unity as unity does not have that automatic collision recognition on import like unreal does... in unity every individual piece needs to be labeled as collision by hand... might go looking for a script. Someone must have run into similar issues before me.
Decided today to start logging more of the everyday work here. Working on building collision for the Desert Temple Set so it can be updated on the unreal store. Will probably take a few more days.
It's going pretty well. At the current pace the transfer of the cyber doll posts to the new website could be done before the end of the year...
Just came from watching the Tesla semi delivery event. What say you now Bill? This should prove the electric mobility feasibility doubters wrong once and for all.
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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