Started on a city building set for the cube world universe. First publication will be a city outskirts brick building set. Here is where it's at currently. All blocks still need LODs.
Progress on a larger block for the PBR Cube World Set. These take so much longer to make than the Proto Series... Now with the move to Indonesia coming up next month it is also increasingly difficult to focus on work. There is so much that needs to get done around the house in preparation.
Managed some more progress on the PBR Cube World stone set. There are quite a few new pieces in this new update but the set is still far from complete.
Well... I finished it. I'm not certain I'm in love with it but it also doesn't look too bad. Was a heck of a lot more work than anticipated. Hopefully I'll find a better workflow if I have to make more of these.
This is where it all started. Back in 2012 I made this candelabra model as a low poly, hand painted game asset and uploaded it to 3DOcean for sale. Now I'm revisiting it to create a PBR version. Sculpt is done. Next will be the lowpoly, then the texturing with substance.
It's been a busy couple of days without much actual work getting done. But managed to make progress on another part for the PBR crypt dungeon set.
A little more progress on PBR crypt building blocks. Substance is doing the heavy lifting of the texturing. I really want to get to a place where I don't need to do any texture painting manually. Still need to learn the software better to have more control.
Started sculpting the next part of the PBR crypt dungeon set today. It all still seems a bit random. Doesn't really look like rock. Need to improve my rock sculpting tool set.
Starting on a new stylized dungeon set. This time using a PBR workflow and Substance Painter. The plan is to make a bunch of modular pieces that are universally usable to build wall systems but also work as stand along pieces or ceilings and floor platforms. Hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew here.
Spent the majority of the last few days reorganizing the 721 models from our public account on Sketchfab into collections. Cleaning house so to say. Writing descriptions, adding keywords etc. It was painstakingly slow as after every 3 or 4 items I had to take a break for a while and wait before the site would accept new sorting input. Now it will be easier to subdivide and sort the content further into sets etc. If we get permission from more of our clients to show the models we made for them I should start bringing over some content from our business account as well.
Was using the UXD_ prefix naming convention for static objects with great success so far. Unreal automatically recognizes the designated meshes as collision on import and the world is at peace. Then I tried importing an animated object... and that was like opening a can of worms that was inside a can of worms that was inside a can of worms which was at the bottom of a barrel of worms... I still don't really have a great solution. Just exporting animated objects without collision for now.
Learned how to create material instances in unreal engine today thanks to Zak Parrish and his awesome tutorial on youtube. Everything just looks so much better by default in unreal engine... The new collision seems to be working too so far. Things are moving forward!
Been reworking old collision geometry from our unreal sets without bothering to look at the actual requirements for Unreal. Turns out they're different from what we've got there. This realization comes half way through the set... so this likely means a rework from scratch. Not only for this set but also for the snake temple and likely other old sets as well. As a note to self... convex only collision geometry is still a thing. So rebuild the shape from lots of simple primitives (this arch for example has 18 pieces). Don't merge collision meshes into one mesh, number them, label them starting with UCX_ for unreal. This will be one gigantic pain in the a&%"$ in unity as unity does not have that automatic collision recognition on import like unreal does... in unity every individual piece needs to be labeled as collision by hand... might go looking for a script. Someone must have run into similar issues before me.
Decided today to start logging more of the everyday work here. Working on building collision for the Desert Temple Set so it can be updated on the unreal store. Will probably take a few more days.
On version nr.3 for the face mould and skull face now. Think this will do for now. The skin deforms well when the mouth opens and stays in place around the eyes. This is what the latest version of the face mould looks like. And here is the skull with teeth and eyes inserted and the separate skin. The same thing from the back again. The encapsulated magnets have fused well with the skin and make it plop right onto the skull.
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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