Stumbled across this ancient relic while cleaning up. It is a board game prototype that was inspired by the good old dungeon quest. Built it back in 2003 just after university. Since then it's been all but forgotten. Test played it with my kids and turns out it's actually pretty fun! So I'm going to see if I can finish designing it and put it out there. Now that I have new tools at my disposal such as modeling tools and a 3d Printer I'll built a 3d printable prototype. Already made the base tile design. It's like a puzzle piece that can be used to make all kinds of dungeon layouts. It prints well and fits together well. Also chamfered the edges underneath so it's easy to take tiles apart again by pushing on the edges and lifting up corners.
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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