Another great video I want to keep a record of is by Ben from UnchartedX and his vase scanning project where he scans ancient granite vases from Egypt with aerospace precision equipment and engineers from the industry to analyze the vase precision. The results of these scans now pretty much rule out that they were made by the predynastic or dynastic Egyptians with primitive hand tools. Since these vases have impeccable providence going back to the 1800s when they were dug up from the ground in Egypt, the period between ancient Egypt and the present can also be ruled out as a date for manufacturing. So they must be OLDER.
Recently watched a few Bob Greenyer videos from the Martin Fleischman Memorial Project channel on youtube. The two O Day videos: Another Dimension New Dawn Od An Old Age And the MH370 Video: Application Of Fractal Toroidal Moment His theory of what the pyramids were is very intriguing to me and it links back to the masons and the ancient knowledge they strive to preserve through their symbolism. Coming from a non science background I don't understand half of it, but there are a few things that jumped out at me. For one Bob mentioned a research paper by Kenneth Shoulders about permitivity transitions. And at the very beginning there is this sentence: "A condensed matter dissolution technique will be shown that is capable of cold dissociation of refractory material into a low viscosity fluid." Could this have been the technology used by the ancients to turn Granite into soft Play-Doh to build their megalithic, polygonal walls?
I'm getting sucked more and more into this Plasmoid Unification Model by Malcom Bendall. Also tried out Spline today. This is my first attempt at depicting a plasmoid.
A new study has been published detailing a new approach to utilize epigenetics to extend the lifespan in aged mice significantly and rewind the aging clock. Here is a video summary. If this is the real deal it is a huge step towards validating the information theory of aging and towards reaching longevity escape velocity.
Just got off a Zoom call with Dr. Aubrey De Grey... or rather... I happened to be on a call with him on it... Was a fairly small group of people but Interesting discussion none the less. Reminded me that I have to get involved and be active in the field... got to think of a way to contribute more. After all, once aging is solved, I've got time for all the other things. It's the No.1 bottleneck.
So according to some studies from last century it's been known for a long time that with increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, its impact on the climate diminish exponentially. In other words... going back to pre-industrial levels of CO2 in the atmosphere will only have a minimal impact on global warming. Also... if CO2 concentration falls below a certain threshold, plants stop growing which basically means the end for life on earth. Makes sense since The C in CO2 is what plants use to turn light into matter. According to geological studies CO2 concentration in the distant past has been a lot higher than it is now. To the tune of thousands of parts per million... and evidently there was no runaway climate effect since life flourished during those periods...
This is an after thought on the hollow earth random shower thought of 2020. In 1969, Nasa launched its second manned mission to the moon: Apollo 12. One of the objectives of this mission was to learn more about what is below the surface. For that purpose the astronauts planted seismometers before their departure back to earth. The idea is that when a known mass impacts the moon, the resulting seismic data can be measured and analyzed to draw conclusions about the moons composition. After their departure, the Apollo 12 astronauts intentionally sent their ascent stage module hurtling back into the moon. It impacted the surface and the resulting data was a bit of a surprise. The moon "rang like a bell" for nearly an hour. Which is not expected of a solid body. One of the resulting theories is that the moon might be "hollow"... if the moon might be hollow... what other heavenly bodies might be hollow? According to the electric universe theory, only a single force is necessary to explain both magnetism and gravity. Where the nucleus in an atom is slightly shifted towards the center of an object, creating a dipole field. Since the electric force is so strong, this distortion would only need to be minute to create a weak force like that of gravity. As a result in larger bodies of matter we get spherical arrangements with one pole facing out and one facing inwards... and as we know... like poles repel... Asteroid Bennu was the target of the Osiris Rex mission in 2020. The spacecraft touched down on its surface and there were many strange discoveries that lead scientists to believe that it is likely hollow. Another source. Where ever I look, a common theme seems to be that we tend to be wrong about things... and the one thing required to make progress in any given field is an open mind and the willingness to unlearn a lot of what we thought we knew to be true... which seems to be rare amongst experts (who are the disseminators and gate keepers of information and "knowledge"). Wal Thornhill introduced a new paradigm. A Theory of Everything: The Electric Universe. It correctly predicts and explains discoveries in the space age that baffle astronomers adhering to the gravitational model of the universe. For example, Thornhill specifically predicted the unexpected results of the Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1 in October 2001, almost four years before the event. He was alone in successfully predicting what would be seen beneath the clouds of Saturn’s moon Titan... etc.
As William of Ockham said: “With all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one.” Out of the theories we currently have the Electric Universe seems to be closest to the truth of reality. Questions I want to understand the answer to now are:
Finally made a commitment to go through the sacred geometry course by Randall Carlson in the hope that I can integrate some of the insights learned into my 3d modeling work. I expect it will also provide me with another lens through which to look at the nature of reality. On another note... just want to screenshot some unreal vs unity data here for later reference.
Just found the Strike Foundation website! Holy cow there is so much I want to know and learn and read up on! Maybe I should buy a little Mazda stock while it's down... but then again once this tech is out there I'm guessing it won't take Tesla long to find a way to appropriate if for their needs as well. They're a technology company after all.
The only reason why there isn't a space elevator yet is due to the lack of a strong enough material for the tether that can be manufactured at scale. However the International Space Elevator Consortium deems single crystal graphene to be a material suitable for a space elevator tether and recently there has been quite a bit of progress in regards to the manufacturing technique of said material. Large single crystal graphene is possible. MIT has published an article in 2020 highlighting their new role to role production method that can produce any length continuous sheets of single layer graphene. They say it could be scaled up fairly easily. The south Korean company Charmgraphene seems to have done just that. Now all that's needed is a company with the focus on building a space elevator that puts it all together. Elon?
Finished watching the Ancient Apocalypse series with Graham Hancock on Netflix. So good to see Graham finally getting acknowledgement and exposure on a mainstream Platform giving this subject matter a chance of reaching a wider audience. I hope it will be successful enough to warrant a season two. He did leave out a lot of the bigger smoking guns but I'm happy Netflix aired it at all. Let's see how long it stays up. This to me is one of the most exciting... and possibly important subjects one could be investigating. To follow up on this I also watched the corresponding Joe Rogan interview with Graham and Randall on spotify. Note to self:
I KNEW IT! Tesla is going to leverage their advanced AI tech and Dojo to build an everyday humanoid robot. This tech will pave the path to universal basic income.
Boston Dynamics just released a new video of their atlas robot doing parkour. Love their updates!
TED talk that provides more evidence for the importance of electric fields and forces on how living organisms develop and grow... fascinating stuff. This ties back in with some things I have heard from the folks that research the electric universe theory. Two headed worms... there is so much to unpack here... the consequences of this research are far reaching.
If I had enough money to get into this investment round for the Aureon Energy company I would. I have been following Wal Thornhil, the electric universe theory and the the safire project over the past few years and the way I see it, this is one of the most promising ways to bring humanity forward while at the same time bringing about a paradigm shift in peoples understanding of how the universe works.
Perseverance has landed successfully on mars and the video footage it has sent back just blew my mind... seeing this makes going to mars seem so much more real!
I'm extremely excited because when listening to this interview I found out that one of the biggest supporters of the SENS Research Foundation is Vitalik Buterin!!! Two of my biggest interest (rejuvenation biotech and blockchain) are converging and that's very good to see!
I just watched the new video released by Boston Dynamics of their robots doing a little dance choreography. AWESOME! :D
Watching SN8 take to the skies and belly flop back to earth sent chills down my spine and literally brought a tear to my eye! I had not expected so much to go right in this first flight. Amazing! Fingers crossed SN9 can stick the landing.
This is more a reminder to myself to look more into VIZIV technologies as an investment opportunity. Looks like the technology they are developing is something that fits into the electric universe theory as well as the pyramid power plant theory. If I understand correctly this is something similar to what Nikola Tesla was working on (but did not get to finish).
Just saw a video of the new Agility Robotics Digit robot. Cool to see this type of progress. Looking forward to their next iteration.
I've just come across another amazing lecture by Wallace Thornhill on the future science in our electric universe. The more I hear about this new theory, the more I am convinced that this is not just another scientific theory but the key to a whole new age of scientific advancement and understanding. The beginning of a new chapter for the human race.
Cusco in Peru has some curious polygonal masonry architecture. I am intrigued by these huge blocks of granite. They often weigh many tons each and no two blocks are exactly the same. They are irregular in shape and size yet they are joined together so perfect that not even a piece of paper would fit in between them and no mortar is needed to hold them in place. Some of them are arranged in neat rows yet others seem to have been roughly thrown together with little regard to surface finish or accuracy... accept for in the joints between them! Granite is a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale of 10. 10 being diamond. So it's a hard rock indeed! According to mainstream archeology these rocks were shaped and assembled by the Inka who had at their disposal copper and bronze tools... which would be like trying to cut trees with a hard rubber knife. ![]() The rocks don't look like they were shaped with chisels and hammers... To me they look more like they have been soft and malleable at some point. Especially in areas where the walls have been damaged (image on the right) and the joint surfaces are exposed. The stones have a sort of "lip" on their edge where they would have joined up with other rocks. It looks as though they were soft like putty at the time of placement. Their weight would have squished them together and formed perfect joints between them. That would also explain the bulging pillow shape. Why would you go through the trouble of carving something like that with bronze tools as we are told the Inka supposedly did? These megalithic granite walls are always the foundation underneath what looks like crude Inka construction and repairs on top. So they must be older. It looks more like the Inka did not build these structures but inherited them from an unknown civilization that was able to shape these stones in ways that we don't yet understand. It looks like the builders of these walls used this method of construction because it was the easiest method for them. The Inka used mortar and loose rocks and fragments of the megalithic buildings to fix and rebuild the structures they found. Above Cusco lies Sacsaywaman with even more impressive architecture. Here the megaliths that make up the walls can weigh up to 100 tons... yet they still have been assembled with perfect precision in the joints. It looks like the same construction method. I even see indentations in the surfaces of the rocks that - to me - look like someone prodded the rocks into place while they were still malleable. I would not even be surprised if this was not a long construction but rather something that was quickly thrown together for some purely practical purpose. Things start to become really curious when taking a closer look at the pyramids in Egypt. On the third pyramid of Giza there are some of the original granite casing stones left in place... and they exibit similar features as the walls found in Cusco! On this wall it looks like the builders were capable of quickly putting stones into place that conform to what ever surface was underneath and then going over them to achieve a smooth surface finish on the outside as seen around the portal that leads inside the pyramid. The pillow shaped surfaces here are flattened as if someone went over them with a big rolling pin. How could this same type of construction exist in Egypt and Peru at a time where these two cultures supposedly did not yet know of each others existence? Unfortunately the site has been quarried heavily over the past centuries and most of the original casing stones of the pyramids can now be found in the walls of buildings in Cairo but these casing stones that are still in their original place show the exact same method of construction as the ones found in Peru. Granite, perfect joints... and what are those curious nobs? So... perhaps who ever built these walls knew how to make a type of granite concrete? Probably not because there are more examples of granite being malleable in quarries. This is the unfinished obelisk in the Aswan quarry in Egypt. It has an estimated weight of 1200 tons. It is still attached to the bedrock so it is a work in progress piece that can provide insights into how these things were actually cut out. Bronze and copper tools and chisels? It looks more like someone with an over sized ice cream scoop started scooping away at the granite as if it were butter. I think what's missing here is perspective. We try to explain what we observe with the certainty that previous civilizations were more primitive the further back in time we go. What if civilization was merely reset by a cataclysmic event such as the younger dryas period? And what if they had technologies for cutting and forming stone that differ vastly from the methods we use today? We try to explain what we see through the lens of our current understanding and state of technology. But could there be other paths of technological evolution that result in methods that don't rely on heavy machinery and mechanical leverage? Methods that are lost to us today?
Dev logHi! This is Matt. I'm using as a place to record the development of projects I'm working on... as well as noting down some random thoughts and reminders... perhaps a little journaling. In short ... it's the place where I post my s... tuff. Categories
August 2024
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