So... I have no idea what I'm talking about here. Haven't read a single book on the matter... but from a recent docu series that I half listened to while working... the way I understand it... in quantum physics there is this notion that all matter around us is made up of subatomic particles that exist outside of time... or rather these particles can travel back and forth through time (hence quantum entanglement that happens instantly across vast distances and quantum tunneling) and that they are all more or less just manifestations of energy or energy fields. ... So essentially they are all just different manifestations of the same thing. ... There are experiments with electrons that show that the same particle can be in multiple places at the same time. But if this is really the case, could it be possible that everything we see consists of ONE particle? Everything around us, the whole universe, is made up of infinite manifestations of the SAME little particle? If this particle can exist outside of space and time, it could be everywhere at the same time. It exists in all time that ever was and all time that ever will be This would mean... I am the shower curtain... I am Elon Musk! I am every billionaire on the planet and every bum. Every superstar and every kid in Africa that dies of starvation, Julius Cesar and Cleopatra and the dog turd on the side walk but also a grain of sand on the other side of the universe. Wars are pointless... Meh... don't think so. Time to get back to work!
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